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Walter Hull, B.A.


Over the past 13 years, Walter Hull has become a rising Social Artist, Thought Leader, and Youth Development Strategist in Houston, TX. Through his work with the U.S. Dream Academy, a national mentoring dedicated to improving neighborhoods that have been harmed by mass incarceration, Walter has helped shape the organization's approach to community asset building through mentoring.

As an artist, his choreography has deep roots in social justice stories in the black community that he refers to as his Village Responsibility. As Executive Director of Urban Souls Dance Company, Walter has founded the URBAN Kids and URBAN Girls Initiative that mentors youth through the art of dance and teaches them how to navigate white privilege in dance. He has also created artist development workshops in Kigali, Rwanda, geared towards providing space for youth artists to develop as leaders in their communities.

For the past three years, Walter has been a documentary filmmaker, sharing stories of the resiliency of black youth in America.

Today, Walter continues his work with Dream Academy Houston and enjoys collaborating with organizations to tell their story, support their youth voice, and facilitate mentoring training.